Amanda Adams – Illuminate Case Study

What she had to say “The Illuminate program came about at a time when I really needed it but didn’t know exactly how much I needed it.” Meet Amanda Adams My journey into motherhood was not an easy one. It took 6 years to bring our first healthy pregnancy to full term and by the […]
Sarah Hennesy – Illuminate Case Study

What she had to say “Some of the tools and concepts Benita shared with us have changed my outlook completely and I still use them every day. “I honestly don’t think I would have done half the things I’ve been able to accomplish if I hadn’t done this program.” Meet Sarah Hennesy To be honest, […]
Renee Lucas – Illuminate Case Study

What she had to say “Every call, I’d have aha moments the whole way through. I’d leave feeling full of energy – and be hanging out for the next one. Every single call, I’d walk away with something.” Meet Renee Lucas The transition to motherhood wasn’t exactly a smooth one for me. To the outside […]
Natasha Searle – Illuminate Case Study

What she had to say “The fortnightly calls were great with ample time to sit with things in between. Just permission to spend time exploring my beliefs and stories and all of the theory behind it all has been wonderful and so insightful.” Meet Natasha Searle I first stumbled across Benita’s work on Instagram back […]
Jacqui Doyle – Illuminate Case Study

What she had to say “You learn so much about yourself from having kids, but then you lose yourself as well. Illuminate helped me reconnect with who I am and what I want for my life.” Meet Jacqui Doyle After having my now 3 year old, the question I was grappling with was how do […]
Ways to instantly raise your vibration (feel good)

In need of a lift? Here are 10 vibration-raising (i.e. help you feel better) ideas that work every time for me! Put on some music and dance! We have a ‘pump-up song’ in this house – ‘Levels’ by Avicii – that gets put on when an energy shift is needed! From flat to fantastic in […]
Why Everyone Should Experience What It’s Like To Be Coached

I think everyone should have a coach, but you would expect me to say that wouldn’t you, when I am one! Over the years I have invested in multiple and extended periods of coaching – with a life coach, business coaches, an intuitive coach and a mindset/success coach. And with each of them I’ve had […]
5 Mindset Tips for Entrepreneurial Mums (and Everyone!)

Earlier this week I hosted a webinar about Mindset for Entrepreneurial Mums and on it shared many insights, tips and strategies that me and my clients use to thrive in the beautiful blend of motherhood and CEO life. Here are five of my tips from that call: 1. Stay in a growth mindset. In […]
Not Now Doesn’t Mean Not Ever

I’ve had an awakening in the past few weeks. It’s been an uncomfortable one; an unease rippling under my skin as it slowly revealed itself. Since I started back to paid work in my coaching business about 12 months ago I have been revelling in it, soaking it up, wanting more and more, thinking: yep […]
5 tips to embrace the School Holidays with little people at home

Are you counting down the days until the school holidays start? Or approaching the holidays with a mixture of emotions, like: excitement, relief, maybe a little bit of dread? Because although you love your kids and enjoy spending time with them, let’s be honest – it can be hard work having them at home all […]