At the risk of sounding like an artist who releases a ‘greatest hits so far’ album ?, this blog started as a compilation of thoughts that became ‘7 things I know so far.’ These are my guiding truths, and what I share with my clients to help them create the results they desire as they blend motherhood with the other elements of their lives.
Foster a growth mindset.
Success is 5% strategy/plans and 95% mindset. In her book ‘Mindset: The Psychology of Success’ Carol Dweck Phd says that in a growth mindset you believe that whatever intelligence and abilities you’re born with are just the start. People in a growth mindset crave challenges, welcome constructive criticism, view setbacks as learning opportunities, and develop a passion for hard work and a hunger for growth. They know that getting better is a process. One that requires the right attitude and dedication over time. Does this sound like you?
Focus on abundance.
Believe that everything is always working out for you and know that there is always enough – for you, and everyone. Foster an attitude of collaboration over competition. Know that the Universe is an abundant place, you are abundant, and strive to make your decisions from a place of abundance instead of lack or fear.
Start with your beliefs.
Your beliefs are ruling your life. Everything is what you believe it to be. Whether anything is hard, easy, good, bad, an opportunity or challenge, is all a matter of your beliefs. And the stories we tell and retell ourselves are built on the foundations of our beliefs. Get honest with yourself about your beliefs – the empowering ones, and the limiting ones.
You are not your thoughts.
Thoughts are just words; they are not you. You can choose to accept helpful/positive thoughts and reject unhelpful/negative thoughts. Although this is simple, it’s not easy. It takes persistence to change the way you handle unhelpful thoughts, but you can! Choose the good ones, because thoughts become things.
Be deliberate.
Start to become deliberate in everything you do, because remember: what we focus on, we move towards. Be deliberate with your goals, your beliefs, attitude, your intentions, and choosing to feel good! Become a deliberate creator of your life! You are always creating, whether you know it or not, so ensure you are focusing your energy on what you want and not what you don’t.
There is no ‘right’ path.
Your life is a unique journey. There is no way that you can get life wrong because there is no perfect path, just your path. Life won’t always go how you want but you can still find valuable learning in all experiences. All experiences hold value. Life is about experiencing everything, it is growing you and your goals are evolving as you learn. The only thing you can be certain of is change and trusting that this too shall pass.
You are worthy.
Even when life doesn’t go how you expect, you are valuable. You are worthy, no matter what. Even though your behaviour has consequences, your intrinsic value does not change. Your self worth is not defined by life events and cannot be added to or taken away from. You are unique and alive, therefore 100% worthy in every moment. You are equal to and contributing like every other human being on the planet.
My Illuminate coaching program is a safe space for you in motherhood. If you are feeling lost and ready to find your spark again, it is the space for you. Over 12 weeks we walk together from stuck to shining and you become part of a space where you are always seen and held. You can enrol with me anytime. You are worthy! To find out more visit