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Life and Business Changes

They say the only constant in life is change… and gosh, ain’t that the truth! The winds of change are certainly blowing through my life at the moment. What about you?

As a member of my online community, I want you to know of some changes we’re making in my business:

  • My ME + MOTHERHOOD podcast is going on pause for a while after the final episode of 2023 on the 15th of November.
  • This BLOG will also be on pause for a few months.
  • I will be less consistent with my eNews… giving myself permission to share as and when I feel guided to, rather than on a weekly schedule.
  • Things will look different, be a bit more low-key and less polished on my Instagram and Facebook accounts from the end of November.
  • I’ve made the decision to cancel our BB x GirlsTrek trek in March 2024.
  • Our GLOW membership is now closed (and excitedly, some of our GLOW members have transitioned to Illuminate). I’ve learned that more intimate coaching programs are more my thing than a membership model. 😉

Why the letting go and winding back for a while? Because I want and need to create some space. 🌳 

Adam and I and our boys are packing up and moving from our farm at Moonie before the end of 2023 and we are in the process of working out our next steps as a family. We are going to continue to farm, however we’re not sure when and where that will be! 

As part of this decision making I recognised the need to create space in my life to accommodate the changes. My business has been a big focus for me this year and it’s now important I’m more present to hold space for myself, Adam, and our boys as we move through this time of transition and explore what the next phase of life will look like. I also had more knee surgery on the 13th of November – another lesson to slow down!

You know I’m all about the ANDs of motherhood (e.g. it’s amazing AND it’s hard)… well… at the moment things are exciting AND very uncomfortable. The lesson on getting comfortable with the uncomfortable is loud and clear!

I’ve also had this super strong urge to let go of the ‘shoulds’ of the online business world, like consistently posting on social media and sending emails ‘X’ number of times at the ‘right’ time of day. Maybe I’m shooting myself in the foot in terms of reach and engagement but I’m going to take the chance, get back to basics and work from my intuition more.

What’s still flourishing and will continue to receive my unwavering focus in my biz is:

  1. Our Illuminate coaching program clients.
  2. Our North Star mastermind & mentorship clients.
  3. My team, our customer service and the customer love we offer. ❤️
  4. Continuing to hold free 20 minute ‘Ignite’ discovery calls if you’re interested in coaching.
  5. Continuing to welcome new women into Illuminate and North Star.
  6. Delivering our next Rise & Shine Retreat on the Sunshine Coast in August 2024.
  7. Making more time for writing! Plus stripping back, paying attention to my inner voice and showing up authentically.
  8. Our new SMS subscription service – GLIMMERS! You can read about it here! 

 So, friends, things will look and feel a bit different for a while in the way that I show up, but behind the scenes we are as committed to our clients as we have ever been.

I am passionate about continuing to support Mums to reconnect with who they are, find their spark again, activate their gifts and find ways to follow what lights them up in motherhood!

Thank you for following along this year! Wishing you all the very best for the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. Looking forward to rejoining you here again when the time feels right early next year.

Love Benita x

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The Art of Trying Chapter 1

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