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10 tips to Embracing the Motherhood Journey

Amongst the unequivocal joy and gift of motherhood, I think too many women struggle alone – both as mothers, and during the journey to become a mother. I did and I have.


Through years of heartache trying to have a baby.


Through the aftershock of becoming an exhausted new Mum with a foggy brain, a permanently attached baby, in a new body I didn’t recognise or like, and my marriage forever changed.


Through times of anxiety and depression and feeling like I was completely broken and alone.


Through losing my confidence and identity, and pushing down my own desires because I didn’t feel like I could follow them while having babies.


Through comparing myself to the ‘perfect’ Mum I had in my head who could juggle it all and keep everyone happy.


I think we don’t talk about any of this stuff nearly enough! We go to all the things as mothers and talk about when our babies will start solids, where they’ll go to school, what we’re doing for the holidays, how much the kids are growing up, when did they talk/walk… and this is all valid and important…


BUT we don’t talk enough about US – as incredible women with unlimited potential and possibilities! 


I believe we don’t have enough meaningful conversations about our dreams, what scares us, that we cried last night, that we are seeing a psychologist, the baby we miscarried, the anti-depressants we’re taking, that thing we’re so bloody good at and love doing but won’t give ourselves permission to pursue! Just to name a few.


Today I am sharing ten tips to embracing the journey that is motherhood. 


1. If you think something is wrong don’t take no for an answer, keep researching and asking. 

2. Pick your battles with your child. 

3. Hold onto the little moments while you can. 

4. Trust yourself, as you know what’s best for your family. 

5. Use music to uplift spirits in your home. 

6. Tickles or joking around to flip the mood – works every time. 

7. Kids love looking through photos and it’s a great way to tell stories. 

8. See yourself through your children’s eyes. 

9. Get out of the house and go on adventures. 

10. Even the ‘best’ parents don’t know what the hell they’re doing sometimes. 


If you could give just one piece of motherhood advice, what would it be?

Looking for more tips to embrace motherhood? Download your free Motherhood Guide – 100 Tips to Embrace Motherhood here.

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