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My Motherhood Story: Riana Davis

“No matter how fiercely independent you are and how much you struggle to ask for help, when push comes to shove, you end up having to ask for help” shares Riana Davis on her motherhood lessons.

Riana has been officially part of our family for around 10 years, and I am so grateful to call her my sister-in-law. Riana is married to my younger brother Shawn and together they have two young girls aged 7 and 9 who are the most incredible little humans.

As far as mums go Riana is incredible and she has joined me on the podcast to share her motherhood story which includes the loneliness, difficulty and fullness that comes with being a mum.

In this episode we cover:

  • How Riana sums up her motherhood experience so far
  • The importance of creating a village around you, and how this can go well beyond family and comes in all different shapes and sizes
  • Navigating motherhood when her husband is out of the house from 5am each morning, and making millions of little decisions each day on your own
  • The greatest joys Riana has experienced as a mum, along with the greatest challenges
  • Working through making tough decisions and having neurodivergent children

There’s so much more that Riana and I touch on in this episode as well, including the importance of being open and honest about the struggles that come with motherhood so that others don’t feel so alone.

I know so many of you will love this conversation.
Benita x

Be kind to yourself as you listen to this. If this, or any, ME + MOTHERHOOD podcast episode ‘triggers you’ or raise issues for you, I urge you to reach out and speak to a professional on any one of these related support lines:

  • Lifeline: 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
  • Blue Knot Helpline: 1300 657 380
  • PANDA National Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Helpline: 1300 726 306


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