Maddy Bento on Mental Health, Dieting and Body Image in Motherhood

Maddy Bento is a degree qualified nutritionist working in the body image and intuitive eating space. She was an exhausted mumma who was trying so hard to eat “perfectly” and her mental health suffered, along with her relationship with her body health and food. Maddy has since learnt about Intuitive Eating and Health At Every […]
Illuminate Client Spotlight – Renee Lucas

After the birth of her second child, Renee found herself struggling to adjust to motherhood. She’d also recently lost her beloved father, and had moved house, everything felt overwhelming to say the least. Being a mum was wearing her down, and that was coming through in frustration and shortness with her kids. Everything felt like […]
My Motherhood Story: Kylee Curtis

“Because ultimately for them to become adults, they need to be able to learn along the way” shares Kylee Curtis on walking the line between expectations and nurturing individuality in her children. Kylee is my older sister and she has been an incredible role model to me, and as far as mum’s go, she’s pretty […]
15 things motherhood has taught me

I think it’s inevitable at one stage or another, we ask ourselves, “How to be a good mum?” While it seems simple, with so much information about what a “good” mum looks like, the answer is not always straightforward. At least, that’s what I’ve found and the feedback I get from my beautiful clients. That’s […]
Managing Decision Fatigue to Improve Dinner Bath Bed Time

Do you think it’s possible to feel good during the afternoon and evening regardless of the chaos that might be happening around you? There is a lot of focus on our morning routines and I absolutely believe in starting the day with a routine that makes you feel good and gives you a high vibration […]
6 Common Challenges For Modern Mums

Parenting has always been challenging, but it seems even more difficult in today’s fast-paced world. Fuelled by instant gratification, social media and unrealistic expectations, being a “good” mum can feel like a never-ending battle. Recently, I was lucky enough to attend a mother’s group meeting and get insight into the daily struggles of mums. And […]
Megan Hillukka on Grief and Anxiety after Child Loss

Trigger Warning: Child Loss Megan Hillukka is a bereaved mother, with 7 children, one who died suddenly at 15 months old – her precious Aria. Because of Aria, Megan now encourages and supports grieving mothers that though the worst thing has happened to them, their life is not over. She is the creator of a […]
My Motherhood Story: Terri Williams

“It sets up an automatic kind of rule book or framework or structure that we then automatically compare ourselves to, analyse and wonder” shares Terri Williams of her Motherhood Story and being questioned around going back to work. There is a 10 year age gap between myself and my younger sister, Terri Williams. Terri got […]
Why a retreat?

As you probably know if you’re reading this, I’m a Motherhood Coach, have an online business and predominantly work remotely. So why am I, seemingly all of a sudden, making a song and dance in the past few weeks about the live retreat I’m co-hosting 2-5 May 2023? There’s a few reasons. Firstly, because it’s […]
6 Lessons from Mothers Group

Mothers Group was a lifeline for me as a new Mum. It was a highlight of my week, providing sanity-saving adult connection, a reason to leave the house (even when it was hard!), valuable support and information. The bonds we formed in that Mothers Group have lasted for years. On the day of recording this […]