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What is Self-Care?

What is Self-Care?

What is self-care?  I frequently get asked by mums,  How do I prioritise myself?   How do I fit it in?  And how do I do it without feeling guilty?  Self-care is not unfamiliar to any of us and quite often we can think of self-care as booking a massage or booking a weekend away or […]

Musings on the Precipice of the Baby Club

As I write this I am sitting next to our chocolate Labrador named Winnie, a maiden, about to give birth for the first time. Is she only then entering motherhood, or has she been a mother since the moment her puppies were conceived? Opinions and definitions on this vary. I’m in the camp of believing […]

The greatest gift you can give to others

The gift I’m referring to doesn’t involve shopping, money or wrapping paper. It is a gift that when given selflessly can offer more value to another human being than a material gift ever could. Have you guessed what it is? “When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemingway Although most people […]

It’s Okay To Want More + Find Help To Explore It

Do you ever feel like there’s something more meant for you but you don’t know what it is? You feel like you should have more, be more and do more, but don’t know what or how? Or you DO know what change you want to make but you’re too scared to take the step. I […]

How and Why I Gave Up Wine O’Clock

From the outset, I’d like to respectfully acknowledge that this post may be triggering for some. It is not my intention to make light of issues such as substance abuse, addiction, trauma, stress and mental illness. I am not an expert on this topic and the information I share should not be perceived as advice. […]

The Art of Trying Chapter 1

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