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2 Years Without wine o’clock

This maybe sounds like a bit of a braggy post and I’ve hesitated about it but am hopeful it may help you or someone else reading it…

I celebrated 2 years alcohol-free on Boxing Day and feel so proud because I honestly never thought I would be able to do it! 🏆

Before I quit on Boxing Day 2021, wine o’clock had absolutely become an unhealthy and unhelpful coping strategy to escape the stressors of life (motherhood + businesses + farm ++). I became concerned about my habits when I began breaking every drinking rule I set myself (just one tonight, no drinking during the week, etc). 😔

I didn’t get to a rock bottom place with drinking but I knew I wanted to change the path I was on. It’s taken willpower, a shift in my beliefs and subconscious programming and of course my everyday habits. The fear of rejection and failure that I had has been unfounded, thankfully. 😉

I owe so much to @sober_in_the_country and @katiecharltonhealthcoach @thisnakedmind and love the important work @ruralsobriety and @sarahrusbatch are doing in this space.

I’ve share more about my journey in Sober in the Country Amplification Project, you can watch the full video here – 

I am absolutely not anti-alcohol but I do think the Mum wine culture we’ve fostered in our society is damaging when we’re drinking too much to help us cope.

Sending love to all. There is support out there if you feel like it’s something you need. I miss alcohol sometimes but it’s become normal not to have it and my life is definitely better for it.

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